Frank E. O’Brien Jr. Student Support Center

Frank E. O’Brien Jr.

Frank O’Brien served as Chairman of the Maria College Board of Trustees for 25 years. During his tenure as Chairman, Maria College saw unprecedented growth and success. The Maria College community is grateful for Frank’s lasting contributions and the continued support of his wife Mary Beth, and their children. Naming the Student Success Center after Frank serves as a lasting tribute to his generous spirit, incredible leadership and deep dedication to Maria College and the success of its students.

The campaign to establish the Frank E. O’Brien, Jr. Student Success Center was launched in January 2017 and led by Frank’s daughter, Maureen O’Brien, who is a member of the Board of Trustees and serves as chair of the advancement committee.  Maureen, together with her husband, Dr. Paul Vogt, her mother Mary Beth and sisters Constance, Kathleen, Cara and Patricia, provided the initial lead gifts to launch the effort. 

Click here for list of donors to date.

Student success and the mercy mission

The Frank E. O’Brien Jr. Student Success Center fulfills the Mercy Mission of Maria College by offering students the services they need to be successful and equip them to live life to the full (John 10:10). The Center provides a holistic approach to their needs, academically, emotionally and spiritually. To this end, our student support services fuse academic support through the Mary Beth O’Brien Tutoring Center with the emotional support of our counseling, health and wellness services and pastoral care.

Supporting those with learning differences

Mercy education has always reached out to those on the margins and who are vulnerable because of needs. Maria College is proud of its longstanding commitment in this area and enhancing our services to those with learning differences and special educational needs is a top priority. Thanks to the generosity of donors, we now have a disabilities services coordinator to help students access the curriculum and work with faculty and staff to improve the learning experience of students with learning needs.

Please join the effort

While we have made incredible progress in developing the programs and infrastructure to support our students, there is still much work to do. For example, additional services are needed for our growing population of immigrant students and first-generation college students, many of whom require more intensive tutoring and coaching.

Click here for a printable form.

Click here to make an online gift.

Thank you for your consideration. If you would like additional information, please contact Erica Warner at